
How Does OpenAi’s ChatGPT Work? – Part I

At the end of 2022, there was a major increase in the popularity of artificial intelligence tools, or for short Ai. By the looks of it, there is a high probability that the year 2023 will be remembered entirely as the year of growth of AI technology. Some of the most popular tools that have encouraged the growth of this trend are Midjourney, DALL-E, CopyAi, and many others. Among them, ChatGPT, a chatbot supported by an advanced database, especially stands out.  And now the question is, are these really discoveries that will forever change the modern lifestyle, or is it just another trend that will disappear in a few months?

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a prototype chatbot created by OpenAi company (which is behind DALL-E software). The full name of this tool is ChatGPT-3.5, but not for too long. Even though the platform was launched at the end of November 2022, OpenAi has already announced that this year there will be an improvement in technology, packed in a new revolutionary update ChatGPT-4.

How can you use ChatGPT?

The platform allows people to have a conversation with a pre-programmed robot (literally). They have the freedom to turn to ChatGPT3 for any type of service such as:

  • Answering questions
  • Translating
  • Writing
  • Brainstorming
  • Creating content for marketing purposes
  • Writing copy for ads and so much more!

ChatGPT is extremely easy to use. The interface includes three main parts: the field for entering a command or prompt, the menu which contains all previously recorded “conversations” and the box where the current conversation is displayed. All you need to do is to log into the official OpenA website.

What’s the best about this?ChatGPT is completely free to use! (At least for now*)

How does ChatGPT really work?

ChatGPT3 is pre-programmed software. This means that it is not in any contact with current trends and events, it cannot use Google and other search engines, and all it uses as its work foundation is the information that has been predetermined.

When a command (prompt) is typed, artificial intelligence searches its database and offers the most relevant answer. However, in addition, to just give answers, ChatGPT is trained to lead complex conversations on a variety of topics, as well as to act as a virtual assistant. This is exactly what sets it apart from other similar tools and even search engines.

Among other things, this feature partly limits its ability. And although it is programmed to learn itself over time, based on questions and commands it receives from people, ChatGPT can still use only the information on which it is trained.

Can ChatGPT replace Google?

In short, the answer is no. Here is what ChatGPT says about this.

ChatGPT is a language model that is intended to behave like a person that can answer questions, assist and take a role in different professions.

On the other hand, Google uses technologies to search and index results. Unlike ChatGPT, Google does not use a database. Google is a database that stores and records everything that is published and relevant on the Internet.

ChatGPT3 assists, writes, and answers questions. Google is used to search for information and connect.

At the moment, there is only an indication that the newly created technology will replace Google on its own, but until further notice, these are only speculations and assumptions. Although it has the potential to evolve into something revolutionary, it takes much more than a couple of weeks or months (whether it’s from a development perspective or from the perspective of people’s ability to embrace and adapt to the use of new technology).

How can you use ChatGPT in everyday life?

As we mentioned earlier, besides simple conversation and answering questions, this platform offers us the opportunity for advanced work as well. That means that a big amount of people very quickly found its purpose not just in everyday life but also in business growth. ChatGPT3 is slowly becoming one of the permanent team members of every modern company that could benefit from it.

Examples of using ChatGPT in business, marketing, and IT niche

Simplifying ideas

You know that feeling when you know what you’re thinking of, but you just don’t know how to put it into actual words or sentences? Write down your thoughts and ChatGPT will generate a message or text based on those thoughts

Writing sales copy, headings, and content

Let’s say you need a caption for an Instagram post. A description like that can often take a lot of time just to come up with an idea. You can enter existing text and then ask the bot to give you some feedback, modify it, or paraphrase it.

Writing plans

Whether it’s a marketing plan or a to-do list, this is a great planning tool. Based on all tasks and goals, it is possible to generate a detailed plan or task flow that will serve as a supporting basis for further work.

Writing prompts for other Ai tools

There are Ai tools that also base their work on text commands or prompts. Softwares such as Midjourney require extremely accurate and detailed descriptions when entering a command, so you gotta be careful with things like how detailed your prompt is or what you need it for.

Code writing

Although it is far from replacing actual developers, ChatGPT is becoming quite advanced in writing some basic commands and codes. We can’t accept this as a final solution, but as assistance in writing and coding, we certainly can.

Checking codes

Coming back to the previous statement. You can write your code as a prompt and ChatGPT will determine what you should change. Or simply you can ask for feedback, maybe it will help you more than you would guess.

Examples of ChatGPT in everyday life


The main difference in translation between Google Translate and ChatGPT is that Google translates just words, mostly ignoring the context. This certainly affects the quality of translations between languages, especially when we are talking about phrases and jargon (translating “It’s raining cats and dogs” to any language would be a silly task). In addition, a large number of phrases remain unknown or incomplete. On the other hand, ChatGPT3 works to extract the context of the text into the literal translation. However, Google Translate is still far more advanced in translation assistance.

Travel guide

Are you traveling to a destination you know nothing about? You can ask ChatGPT to list all the places that are worth visiting. This way, you will be sure that you have visited all the most interesting things.

Explaining complex topics

This is an incredibly useful piece of advice for anyone who is learning something new. You can use the command: “Explain like I’m five how   works’’.

Writing emails

For this part, the same thing applies to writing sales texts and content or simplifying ideas. You can enter the prompt of what you want to emphasize in the email, who to address, for what purpose, and in which tone (whether to be professional, semi-professional, casual, or something completely different).

Advising and chatting

You don’t have to use ChatGPT as a strictly business assistant. It can also serve well for killing boredom, making jokes, talking, and sharing advice. You’d be surprised how good it is.

As the title says this is the first part of our ChatGPT blog, follow us for the next part which we will publish tomorrow.

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