
Interview with Đorđe Bojković | WebHostingSrbija

The digital world has shifted critically towards the cloud in any sense of the word. Ten years ago we could have seen obvious signs but, today we are witnessing the magnitude of this shift. is participating in some of the most extraordinary products on the cloud today. With this experience, we are more than certain in our vision of the Internet in the near future. With this in mind, we wanted to share some insights we’ve got from talking with the owner of one small business operation in the hosting industry.
We have decided to do the interview with Đorđe Bojković, the owner of WebhostingSrbija, and share his business vision with Serbia and potentially new clients of his 😊.

Đordje Bojković | WebHostingSrbija

Ivan: Hey Djordje, so how do you guys cope with the current global health situation?

Đorđe: Hello! Pretty well, actually. Everyone needs to work from home, delivery services are booming and everyone needs a website 😁.

Ivan: Does it affect your business?

Đorđe: Yes, but in a positive way. Also, we are receiving everyday questions about how to start a business online and how to start selling online. 

Ivan: How did you decide that hosting is what you want to do? Is that a love for the niche or calculated decision?

Đorđe: I am a PHP programmer. So I was building websites and then deploy those websites on hosting he providers. But on almost all of them, I had some issues. My clients don’t want to know about hosting, they don’t even know how websites work and they shouldn’t. So I take care of all of that, and my first goal is to provide reliability and fast service. So that is the step when I decided to start with my own web hosting company. 
I generally love to help people, especially when it is about websites even for free. With web hosting I combine two things, helping people and create websites.

Ivan: What is the next logical step in the evolution of Web Hosting Srbija?

Đorđe: We are not a big company so we follow IT giants, take the best, and improve what we can on our end. The next step is definitely quantum computing and AI. 

Ivan: How big is the team behind you?

Đorđe: It is not big at all. As I said I am a programmer so I make all of that automatically. Creating, payment, renew, changing, calculating, scanning all of the things. The one thing that is manual is support and live chat with customers. I think that can not and shouldn’t be replaced with bots or autoresponders.

Ivan: Do you remember what was the feeling when you acquired the first customer?

Đorđe: Yes. I was nervous. I am the type of person who doesn’t like any risk. Taking a new step with web hosting is a step in the unknown. For the first clients in a couple of days, I was checking the server and their websites almost every 10 minutes 😁.

Ivan: What drives you in the business world? What is the end goal for you?

Đorđe: It is actually a simple thing: how can I help people to go on the internet. I like the internet and anything digital so I want to help as much as I can. To start their digital journey in the right way. I can’t imagine myself stop working, I am workaholic. My working day is 16 hours a day. So the final goal for me is to work more.

Ivan: What is the world made of?

Đorđe: The world is made of 0 and 1. Simple and clean. Without lies and frauds. 

Ivan: How would you describe the culture of your company?

Đorđe: We are one happy family, where relationships come first then work. 

Ivan: How do you handle the hiring process? Do you follow a certain framework or you improvise?

Đorđe: That is a tough question. I am type of person who doesn’t trust anyone. So when I need to hire someone it is painful for me. Hiring someone is not how much that person knows or has experience but how much you can trust them. 

Ivan: How do you measure customer satisfaction?

Đorđe: Reviews and no calls. If no one calls me or sends me an email that means everything is working great. Not that often but I receive emails of support from my clients, delighted how everything works.

Ivan: Customer or Employee?

Đorđe: Customer. Without a customer, there is no employee. 

Ivan: Where do you see yourself and your company in a decade from now?

Đorđe: Leaving competition in the dust and creating a new generation of services where others admire and try to copy.

Well, we hope to see you reaching this goal soon, and hopefully we’ll get a glimpse into this new version of the online services soon as well!

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