Business Development

Learn From (Bad) Customer Feedback

Let’s start with visualizations!

You had a dream of starting and creating your own business/product and after putting so much effort into it you finally made it! Great job! But let’s face it, for you to be sure that you did a great job you need to learn how your customers feel about your services.

This is called feedback.

Customer feedback is the main part of the life cycle of any business. It is your most valuable guide and the very core of your business. When you listen to your customers, you look at your services from their perspective. There is no better reference for business development and for engaging with your customers. With feedback, you get to know your users truly. You manage to meet their needs and with good communication, you can reduce the possibility of customer churn.

The importance of good and bad feedback

Both good and bad feedback is of great importance for:

  • Getting to know your users and how to successfully meet their needs
  • Developing and improving your product/service
  • Educating and motivating your team to succeed in a mutual goal

The main difference between good and bad feedback is that good feedback shows what is that you are good at, the truly good side of your business. Make the most of the information you’ve received. Stay on that track while always trying to be better. Evolve with every step that you take when it comes to making progress.

On the other hand, bad feedback indicates what is it that you need to improve. Look at the bad feedback as the most positive thing because it guides you in the direction of development. Bad feedback also helps you develop your business to potentially be better than the competition, it helps you to always be one step ahead.

As the saying goes – “the more the merrier”.

The more feedback that you get with as many users who give you that feedback the whole process of business development will be simpler, faster, and more relevant to you. The most important thing is to hear your users and above all, to understand them. By listening to bad feedback – you open up to the user, he understands that you hear his criticism and that you value his opinion.

Performance measurement

The performance of your business is the key to a successful business. Therefore, you will need a customer success analytics platform! MetricsFlare can help you measure the pulse of your customers and read their emotions in real-time by using three very important metrics: NPS, CES, and CSAT. With MetricsFlare you have the opportunity to learn how you can improve your performance in the best possible way, and how you can make your customers satisfied and loyal to you and your business.

Listen to those who use your services, for them, and because of them, your business exists. When you become open to user comments and their criticism you open up to growth and development. Therefore, visit and start your business development journey today! If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us! Send us an email at [email protected], we can’t wait to meet you and help you on your adventure! 🙂

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